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Material Characterization & Testing

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Material Characterization

Time : 2024-04-07 Hits : 1

Material Characterization & Testing

Material Characterization & Testing is a critical aspect of the research and development process in industries focused on carbon fiber production and technology. 

The main objective is to thoroughly understand the properties and capabilities of carbon fiber materials. This includes assessing mechanical properties (such as tensile strength, modulus, and fatigue resistance), thermal properties, chemical resistance, and other relevant attributes.

Tensile Testing: Measures the strength and elasticity of carbon fiber under tension.
Compression Testing: Evaluates the material's ability to withstand compressive forces.

Flexural Testing: Determines the material's resistance to bending.

Thermal Analysis: Examines how the material behaves under different temperature conditions.
Chemical Analysis: Assesses the material's resistance to chemicals and environmental factors.
Microscopy: Allows for the examination of the material's microstructure and surface characteristics.

Laboratory testing functions

Patent Certification

16 Patents

It effectively enhances the company's competitive advantage and protects product sales.

6 Appearance Patents

Maximum protection of the intellectual property rights of new products

10 Patents for material construction

Recognition of the company's leadership in carbon fibre manufacturing technology

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